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W.I.C.C. Ltd.
119 Muller Rd., PO Box 252
Washington, Illinois 61571
Ph: 309-444-4125  Fx: 309-444-3313

   All our products are manufactured in the USA

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W.I.C.C. Ltd. has, for the last 30 years, made transformers.  Little transformers, big transformers, cute ones and ugly ones.  They've been bare, taped, varnished, dipped, cupped, split, clamped, barred and some have even gone out with jackets on, cooling water jackets to be specific.  One thing they all have had in common ... they were transformers, 99% of them toroidal.  The other thing in common between them all ... is that they work.  99.89% of the time, when they leave our facility, they work, first time, every time.

There is very little glory in transformers, or in making them.  They are not all that high tech and although we use computers in their design and have some of the newest equipment available to manufacture them, the actual building process has remained essentially unchanged for many years...  You wrap wire around a core, some number of times and you have a transformer.  They are not cute (though to us, some are) and there is probably no one, besides us, who would find it interesting to collect them.  They are often buried deep within some enclosure, only to be forgotten.  Few people can think of all the things a transformer makes possible, but when it doesn't work, most people's lives are affected, in one way or another. 

Current Transformers


Power Transformers


Split Core Transformers









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Cores | Low Voltage Lighting | Marine

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"Transforming Your World", Registered Trademark, W.I.C.C. Ltd.